Environmental/Pollution Law

Environmental Property Law – Property Value Diminished by Contamination.

Industrial smokestacks spewing pollution into the sky
Exhaust fumes blown into a sky

We specialize in cases where property values have been reduced by contamination caused by others. Our $12.3 Million Globeville case, a class action involving arsenic contamination on 300 properties in north Denver, provided remediation and benefits to over 450 people! We also successfully represented four families who were evacuated from their homes after the largest leak of gasoline from an underground storage tank in Colorado’s history.

Under Colorado law, you are entitled to the loss of market value, including stigma damages, caused by a spill on your property, or, in many cases, the costs to return your property to its original condition (remediation).

Pollution Law – Cases to Protect, Enhance and Restore the Environment.

An image of the water pollution that threatens our environment

For over 30 years, Randall Weiner has represented groups and individuals seeking to return our planet to health. From the southeast (Dutch West Indies island of Saba) to the northwest (the coast of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), Mr. Weiner has halted unnecessarily destructive projects that would harm our planet and the people in the vicinity of the project.

His creativity, experience and persistence has helped stop projects that would despoil our air, water and soils, while promoting recycling, proper waste disposal and sustainability.

We’re experts in environmental law

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